Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wow! what a windy day!

We had a very windy day today! Take a look at my neighbour across the road's house!!!
I made a really cute fleecy top for Ross today. I measured his length and made size 68cm, because that is what he measures and I wanted it to fit him now and not when it's too hot to be wearing fleecys. I was so proud of it until I struggled to put it on him. The length is okay, but it is quite tight which suprized me because at first I thought it was going to be too wide! He looks cute in it anyway.


  1. Gorrrrgeous top!! Love the back of the robot on the back!

    Wowzers on that tree! :O It's been crazy weather- went and checked the flooded river today, very fun - even a jet skier was out playing, hehe!

  2. That tree is crazy! i can't believe they just popped the stump back in the ground.. hehe..
    Ross looks gorgeous in that little jumper.. but then Mr Ross would look gorgeous in anything! :)

  3. Hi Harriet, I found your old blog via your blogger profile, ha. You have made some fabulous bags. And you sure make cute babies! I'm gonna add you to my blog reading list so if you ever feel like starting up again, I'll know :)
