Saturday, September 4, 2010

Wow! what a windy day!

We had a very windy day today! Take a look at my neighbour across the road's house!!!
I made a really cute fleecy top for Ross today. I measured his length and made size 68cm, because that is what he measures and I wanted it to fit him now and not when it's too hot to be wearing fleecys. I was so proud of it until I struggled to put it on him. The length is okay, but it is quite tight which suprized me because at first I thought it was going to be too wide! He looks cute in it anyway.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Since last post....

Okay. Found my camera, replaced the batteries, and took a few snaps of what I have been up to since last we spoke.

Painted Ross's cot RED! Thank you Liz for all your help with this. Painted a TREE on Ross's bedroom wall. Once again, thank you Liz! Made a softy that I have named Dharma. Re-folded all my fabric and put them on a new shelf. (Don't they look so pretty?) And, finally, a bit of sewing in the form of another bag! This one is for Amanda.

Quick question; At what age did your kids start giving you the look that says "Mum,....your weird!"?