Monday, June 14, 2010

Kitchen Pantry Makeover!

Before and After........I'm thinking now that I like Kylie's idea of painting the wall behind it green to match the other kitchen wall....What do you all think?


  1. i LOVE that idea!!
    It looks wonderful!! well worth all those trips to ikea! haha

  2. it's probably much more functional but it's a lot less pretty too:( farewell oh lovely kitchen cupboard...*sigh*

  3. kyles0791@hotmail.comJune 23, 2010 at 9:09 PM

    Green wall for sure! and definitely a bigger green fruit bowl with your nice picture on the wall behind it. (It does look better in real life though, the picture looses its prettiness). You are getting so organised and being so creative, you're inspiring me!! Come on holidays, I want to do some projects too
