Thursday, June 14, 2012

belated post

Maybe my blog should be titled "Look what I did last month..." I just never seem to get around to blogging the stuff I plan to. So, without too much hoo-ha and explanation, here is another Tova tunic that I sewed - "this one time, on craft camp..." The fabric is one of the newer cotton Ikat arrivals at Spolight. Now that it has been through the wash a couple of times it is nice and soft to wear. And here is a cute ruffle-bum romper that my sister requested I sew for her daughter's first birthday outfit. I have made some more things including two handbags promised to my girls ages ago, and I have some exciting new vintage machine arrivals to show you but I need to photograph them first before I can blog them. So, I will leave you with these two cute photos of my boys taken last week at the park! Adorable!


  1. Ooh nice Tova! And that little girl outfit looks cute but ever so slightly creepy all laid out with nobody inside it ;)
    Beautiful boys too :)

    1. Especially the face down one!

    2. Yes, I guess it is kinda creepy. Woops! (she was sleeping at the time, and we weren't going to wake her for a photo).

  2. I think I've got to make myself some of these Tova tunics. They look great.

    1. This would have to be my all time favourite sew for myself. (Not that I've sewed much for myself). It comes together so easily! And fits!!! Next I plan to make a dress length one then I think I'll have to give it a rest till next year. ;)
